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Creative portrait

Andrey Mdivani is a prominent modern composer who has created bright pieces in all genres of musical art - ballet, musical comedy, oratorio, symphony, orchestral pieces and instrumental concertos, choruses and choruses concertos, chamber instrumental and vocal masterpieces. Mdivani's works have been recognized by scientists who studied them, jornalists dedicated their essays to them; many of his works have been published by All-Union and Republican houses, in the form of records and for performance over the radio. The composer's music is performed in not only in Belarus, but also in Russia, Ukraina, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, England, Ireland, India, Bulgaria, America, etc.

In each work by the composer we can easily trace the features of his bright creative individuality, his unique style with synthesis Slavonic and Georgian intonation's sources, high professionalism and original way of thinking. They are in the bright theatrical manner of writing, in orchestral colourfulness and espressiveness of all components of musical speech, in fresh creative ideas and philosophic depth and seriousness of his music. Andrey Mdivani is advocate of "musical beauty" and the contents, which give "high" style and elevated spirit to his music .

In every genre Mdivani told his author's world - the wold of the composer who is opening new ways for development of modern musical art. In genre of symphony he was the founder of the national program symphonism ("Polotsk Manuscripts"), in the genre of music for folk-orchestra - the founder of the folk-orchestra symphonism ("Memory of Land"), in the genre of chorus music - the founder of cathedral singing reviving on the new basis the singing traditions of the Byzantine culture and Georgian man's singing ("Night Service", "Who is Coming Over There?" to Yanka Kupala words, sufferings "Saint Russia" to the words of S. Esenin), in genre of musical comedy - creator of a new genre of musical comedy uniting the traits of an opera ("Denis Davydov"), in genre of ballet - the founder of modern ballet, where he told for the first time to the world about how the Slavs were christened ("Passions (Rogneda"). The music of the ballet is a rare combination of beauty and deep thought, bright expression and elevated feeling. Mdivani's ballet is a new word in the world musical art. The works by A. Mdivani are the general panorama of musical epoch and its main events, that is glorifying the man, peace in the world, has surpassed the borders of the Fatherland, became the property of the peoples of other countries and continents by having naturally entered the context of world artistic culture.

Principal compositions

Stage Work: mus. comedy "Denis Davydov"(V. Solovjov,1982), musical "Mess Mend"(M. Shagynjn, libr. V. Yakoniuk, 1987), operas "Small Prince" (A. de Saint-Exupery", libr. V. Yakoniuk, 2004), ballet "Passions (Rogneda)" (libr. V. Yelyzarjew, 1993: Minsk, Warsaw, Moscow);

Symphonies: I (1969), II (Songs for orchestra, 1971), III (Barocco-style, 1979), IV (Homo sapiens, 1983), V: for folk orchestra (The Memory of Land, 1984), VI (Polotsk Manuscripts, 1987), VII (The Northern flowers, 1994), VIII (Terres trial, 1999), symph.-concerto for violino and orch. (2002), Choreography music "Shagren" (2006);

Orchestra pictures and pieces: Ostinato, Slavonic capriccio, Fest, Holiday, Arachna, Fresko's Christ, Vladimir, Destruction of Polotsk, symphonic poem: Dialect, Fresko, Festival poem, Khatyn;

Oratories: Vanka-vstanka (Tilting Doll; Text by E.Evtushenko,1972), Volnost (Freedom; Text by A. Radishev, 1977);

Work for folk orchestra: Bulba, Song, Chastushka, Bells, Kryzhatchok, Yurochka, Folk Plays, At the Cypalle, concerto-poem "Victor Pomozov"; concerto with orchestra: for cello (1980), for orchestra (1981), for corni (1986); for string orchestra: Music-momento, Creschendo;

Work for choir: cycles "Snopotchek", "Vyaselnaya", "Vyaselnaya Zastolnaja"; choruses with Yanka Kupala's, A. Pushkin's, S. Esenin's, M. Lermontov's, K. Balmont's and other texts (about 120 work), vocal - works, instrumental miniatures, musik for drama, for radio-theatre, for TV theatre, for cinema, for telefilm.

Прослушать: "Крещендо". Солист Г. Ерохин. Дирижер Б. Райский

Прослушать: "Мамочка моя" Дирижер В. Ровдо

Прослушать: Хоровой концерт "Прымхi". Хор "Зайграю на дудцы". Дирижер В. Ровдо.

Прослушать: "Фрески". Дирижер Ю. Ефимов

Прослушать: "Народные игры" для народного оркестра. Дирижер М. Козинец.

Прослушать: "Россиниана". Дирижер Б. Райский.

Прослушать: "Откройся, Сезам" СловаС. Кирсанова, исполняет Тамара Раевская.

Прослушать: "Песни Любови Цыган" Исп. Л. Колос

Прослушать: Скерцо для флейты. Исп Ю. Кондратенко